Welcome to the download.zone!

As time goes by, there will be more stuff available. For now, you can get:

Material for the Monthly Storytime Videography Challenge

Videography Mindmap

I clustered and researched everything I know about videography and storytelling in this mindmap. If you think, there is something missing, please let me know!

photography-related stuff

My time-for-pictures contract

It is a quite basic contract, that gives me the rights to edit and post the pictures taken of the model while assuring the model gets the pictures.
I will always bring two copies to a shooting, so the model and I get one each.

The standard Adobe Release Contract

This contract contains a section (first paragraph) that states a "concideration received", so I decided not to use it for TFP shootings.
You can find the german version here (in the sentence "Sie können hier[...]"), and the english version here (in the sentence "find it here").

My Photography Challenge

When I started photography, I challenged myself to one picture every week with the purpose of learning more about photography. I didn't edit it to be downloadable yet, but if you are interested, you can enter your email-adress here. That way, I know that you are interested and I can inform you as soon as I published the challenge. The german version can be requested by mail as well.